Press release

Will deliver 100% emission-free energy solutions to the aquaculture industry

Norwegian Hydrogen AS and Inseanergy AS enters into strategic collaboration agreement.
Inseanergy flytende solceller

Many fish farms do not have access to shore power; 4 out of 10 such plants in Norway are operated with diesel generators associated with significant CO2 emissions. Inseanergy has developed a patented floating solar power plant that can help these plants produce their own green electricity, thereby cutting a large proportion of their C02 emissions. In periods when solar power production is low, there is a need for alternative zero emission energy. This is where Norwegian Hydrogen comes in, being a producer and supplier of green hydrogen.

"By combining our solution for local energy production from floating solar cells with a hydrogen fuel cell system and green hydrogen from Norwegian Hydrogen, we can offer a complete emission-free solution to all off-grid fish farms," says CEO of Inseanergy, Jan Erik Våge Klepp. “The Norwegian aquaculture industry is already a world leader in sustainability, and if we can enable them to cut all greenhouse gas emissions from the operation of their facilities, they will further reinforce this position.”

Large market

In Norway alone, the number of fish farms that have not been electrified through shore power connection amounts to around 400. To electrify the feed barges on these, a need of around 10 tonnes of green hydrogen per plant is estimated per year, in addition to electricity produced from Inseanergy's solar power plant. By including the service boats the potential is multiplied. In total, the collaboration may result in a demand for many thousand tons of green hydrogen per year "There is no doubt that this cooperation represents a great potential for us" says Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen.

"Green hydrogen and solar cells complement each other very well, providing 100% emission-free energy to customers. It is a winning recipe we strongly believe that many aquaculture companies want, and in the long term the opportunities are great for other customer segments as well," says Berge. He points out that the solutions they’re now developing with Inseanergy can be applied for all types of energy-intensive marine purposes that are difficult to electrify directly through shore power connection. "We are impressed by how far Inseanergy has come in a short period of time and see a huge potential far beyond what we are now collaborating on.”

Needed a national player

Although there are many suppliers of hydrogen, Våge Klepp in Inseanergy has no doubt that they have found the right partner. "We needed a national player who can ensure that we can offer our customers a consistent year-round delivery regardless of where they are located. There are not many such players, but in Norwegian Hydrogen we have found a very good match. The fact that we both already have projects aimed for the aquaculture industry means that we quickly found good synergies, and we really look forward to further collaboration.”

The companies are now setting aside resources to define the collaboration in further detail, and in order to identify what is required to merge the two technologies into one hybrid concept. They will also explore opportunities to realize pilots together with customers, where they will test and validate the emission-free energy system in real operations.

Facts Norwegian Hydrogen AS:

The company was established in 2020 and currently has 10 employees at its head office in Ålesund and their office in Oslo. Norwegian Hydrogen is in a significant growth phase and aims to establish a robust green hydrogen infrastructure throughout the Nordic region. The industrial owners are Flakk Gruppen, Hexagon Purus, Hofseth International and Tafjord Kraftproduksjon.

Facts Inseanergy AS:

Inseanergy is a cleantech company based in Ålesund that supplies emission-free energy for aquaculture and the maritime industry, based on solar and hydrogen technology. The company was established in May 2020, and currently has 5 employees. Inseanergy has recently completed a successful private placement that will finance further development activities and strengthen the organization for the company to achieve its ambitious growth goals.


Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen
+47 90551355

Jan Erik Våge Klepp, CEO of Inseanergy
+47 98696040