Press release

Norwegian-Danish cooperation for green production of liquid biogas

Norwegian Hydrogen and energy entrepreneur Jens Peter Lunden enter into ground-breaking collaboration on wind power, electrolysis and liquid biogas (LBG). H-TEC SYSTEMS will deliver PEM-electrolysis technology to the new joint venture.

GrønGas Hjørring

GrønGas Hjørring seen from above.

“Norwegian Hydrogen aims to be a pioneer in the use of green hydrogen for various purposes. This collaboration shows that, by utilizing green hydrogen and green CO2 in a new and innovative way, we can cover some of the vast marked demand for LBG, says Jens Berge”, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen AS.

The collaboration is based on an innovative technology, used for the first time in a full scale production by GrønGas A/S, where green hydrogen is used directly in the production of liquid biogas.

Production to start this year

Norwegian Hydrogen and Jens Peter Lunden have established a 50/50 joint venture under the name Grøn Brint ApS. The company will own and operate electrolysis plants for the production of green hydrogen, primarily for use in the production of LBG.

Grøn Brint Aps has already ordered electrolyzers for the first phase of the collaboration from the German electrolyzer manufacturer H-TEC SYSTEMS, and plans to start producing the hydrogen already this year. The plan is then to scale up production based on the green energy available from Lunden's turbines.

“The Grøn Brint ApS joint venture is an innovative approach to scaling up hydrogen, which we are pleased to serve with our modular electrolyzers”, says Robin v. Plettenberg, CEO of H-TEC SYSTEMS.



“The collaboration with Jens Peter Lunden and potentially also with GrønGas is an important milestone for Norwegian Hydrogen and the result of good and constructive dialogue over a long period of time”, says Berge.

Green and profitable value chain

By using green hydrogen directly in the production of LBG, green CO2 that is left over in the process is also used. The conversion of CO2 to e-methane provides added value for the parties and forms the basis for the profitability of the project.

“The parties have worked closely together to develop a model for the collaboration that provides profitability for all companies involved. Together we will demonstrate an integrated, green and profitable value chain from wind turbines via electrolysis to LBG”, says Jens Peter Lunden.

”At GrønGas we are looking forward to having “Grøn Brint” located right next to us. In near future, we hope to be able to use hydrogen for CCU and methanation directly at the biogas plant. We aim to be a part of and even add to the same value chain as Grøn Brint is part of”, says Allan Olesen, CEO at GrønGas.

The parties have ambitions to expand the collaboration to include other opportunities in the production of hydrogen and other e-fuels, based on wind power. They have several other major projects in the planning.

About GrønGas

GrønGas owns and operates two biogas plants in the northern part of Jutland, Denmark. GrønGas was originally established in 2001 and is today owned in a 50/50 partnership between Jens Peter Lunden and E.ON.
GrønGas aims to use green hydrogen as an energy carrier. Combined with biogenic CO2 the goal is to produce green e-methane for the transport sector. In 2023 GrønGas will start a production of LBG (Liquid BioGas) at the same site as the electrolysis is built – making it possible to reach our target.


H-TEC SYSTEMS develops and produces innovative PEM electrolyzers and electrolysis stacks. With their technology, green hydrogen can be produced economically, efficiently and flexibly. The hydrogen specialists work at two locations in Germany for a successful energy transition across all sectors and have shaped the hydrogen economy as a technological pioneer for over twenty-five years. As part of the MAN Energy Solutions Group, H-TEC SYSTEMS supplies the key technology for the power-to-X value chain.

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