Press release

Maritime hub for green hydrogen on the Norwegian west coast

Together with 3 renewable power companies; Eviny, Rauma Energi and Tafjord Kraft, Norwegian Hydrogen worked for the last 6 months to analyze and identify which location on the Norwegian west coast has the best potential to become a maritime hub for green hydrogen.
Norwegian Hydrogen represented by Kaushik Jayasayee, Jens Berge and Marielle Furnes Mannseth together with the mayor of Ålesund, Eva Vinje Aurdal, at the site in Giskemo, Ålesund.

The group received 1 million NOK from Enova to carry out their study, and now two of the parties have decided to use their findings and participate in an announced Enova competition.

Norwegian Hydrogen and Eviny have namely applied for funding support from Enova in order to build a green hydrogen factory worth several hundred million NOK in Ålesund. «In the first phase we are dependent on some financial support, and we appreciate that Enova launched this competition», says CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen Jens Berge.

Close to the most significant maritime customers, with substantial access to renewable power, large potential for upscaling and ideal for distribution to the entire region, an industrial site at Giskemo in Ålesund stood out as the best location based on a number of key parameters.

The market wants green hydrogen

Norwegian Hydrogen has worked actively in the market and experience strong support from a large number of customers. «There is no doubt that the maritime industry wants to use green hydrogen to cut emissions, and we have secured several declarations of intent with potential customers», says Brand & Marketing Director in Norwegian Hydrogen, Marielle Furnes Mannseth.

In addition to maritime customers, the company also secured several agreements with land transport and construction companies.

Per Øyvind Voie, Stakeholder Engagement Director in Norwegian Hydrogen and Project Manager for this specific project, gives praise to Norwegian Hydrogen’s partners; “Working together on data analysis, mapping out infrastructural factors and market demand has been very valuable, and we look forward to realizing the project”. Voie is also very satisfied with the support from Ålesund Municipality throughout the entire process; “Since day 1, Ålesund Municipality has been constructive and supportive, and that has been very important for us in order to get everything prepared and in place before the application deadline 22 April.”

If Enova decides to make an award to Norwegian Hydrogen and Eviny, the companies will set things in motion and aim for first production from Ålesund by the end of 2024. By that time Norwegian Hydrogen will already have one factory in operation in the same region, namely their plant at Hellesylt. Hence, customers on the Norwegian west coast have reason to be optimistic about the access to zero emission hydrogen in the not too distant future.